Your support helps St John’s to continue to provide vital support to the church community, charities and other good causes both locally and around the world.
Sunday 12th December

The Gift Day has now been fixed for Sunday 12 December 2021 after church in the Morton Hall from 11.30 to 1.00 pm. Please note this in your diary and come along for some light refreshments… and try out our new card payment system!
St John’s has been badly affected financially by Covid 19 with sharply reduced letting income and a fall in the weekly offerings. But the aim is to make the Gift Day a community Christmas thanksgiving social event for members, friends and hall users. All the organisations will be invited. Some will not feel ready to mix in close contact yet so the social side is, obviously, discretionary. You may prefer to make a contribution on the day and then leave or contribute by bank transfer (or cheque) to the Church any time. Bank details are given below.
Help is needed for the catering on the day. This will be mince-pies and a glass of wine or soft drink so hopefully not too onerous. Can you help? Please will you let Andy Clare know if you are able to do this.
Any donations should be either online by ACS transfer to St John’s URC Orpington at CAF Bank, Sort code:40 52 40 a/c: 00020854 or by cheque made payable to “St Johns United Reformed Church Orpington” or contact the Treasurer by email at
A great fundraiser is a fantastic way to support your faith and community. We now have Two novel ways you can help us just by a slight change to the way you shop… AND IT WONT COST YOU A PENNY MORE
Raise donations for St John’s United Reformed Church whenever you shop online with EasyFundRaising by clicking this link. How does it work? easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Their retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”. With over 4000 retailers to choose from they have already raised over £31 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. Easy! Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations
Alternatively why not use Amazon via Smile
Fundraising for the church can bring people and talents together in all sorts of new and interesting ways. and also offer great opportunities to socialise and really get to know people.
Its the hard work and enthusiasm that will ultimately deliver a really successful event however it’s the fun and taking part that really brings people together. The great thing is that the more successful the fundraiser, the better the results for the cause!