“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of”
Church Services
Through our regular church services, in which prayer for the world and its people are always included
Prayer Chain
Through our Prayer Chain: a team of twelve people commit to praying daily for a particular person or situation. This is totally confidential to the team. There is no need even for a name to be given to them, if the person in need prefers to remain anonymous. Prayer requests sent through this web-site (see below) will be forwarded to the Prayer Chain.
Prayer Tree
Through our Prayer Tree: (see photo below). As you enter our church premises through the glass porch in the Car Park, you will see a gaily coloured plywood “tree” covered with leaves made of card. Anyone who wishes is invited to write a name or a situation for which they would like prayer on one of the leaves and to hang it on one of the branches. The Prayer Tree is brought into church at the start of each Sunday Service and prayers are made for those included on its leaves. The tree is “edited” regularly but if your request has been removed and you wish to add it again then by all means do so.
Prayer Focus
Through our Prayer Focus: each Sunday, on our Notice Sheet we include the names of those particularly in need of prayer support, whether because of illness, bereavement or other kinds of trouble. (This always done with the permission of the person involved). We also pray, in turn, for the residents in each of the roads around our church and for other church communities in Orpington.
Time To Remember
Each year we hold a short Service to Remember those we have lost, not only in the last year but at any time.
Christmas and Easter Cards
Through our Christmas and Easter Cards. If you live in the “Knoll” area, you will receive a Christmas and an Easter card through your door. These include a “cut out and keep” prayer card and, should the time arise when you need to ask for prayer support, then either contact the Minister (as directed on the card) or place the card through the letterbox of the church.
And through this Website. You can request a prayer
“Prayer is not an old woman’s idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.”
(Mohandas K Ghandi)