Member of Churches Together in Orpington
St John’s Church is a member of Churches Together in Orpington (CTIO) working together with other local congregations to reach out to the people of Orpington and beyond.
Members of our church regularly attend the CTIO Meetings. The churches take it in turns to host the Prayers for Orpington which are held once a month on Saturday mornings. We are deeply committed to supporting the initiatives of Street Pastors for Orpington High Street and College Pastors for Orpington College. Two of our members are a Street Pastor and a College Pastor. Two or three Big Breakfast events for children are planned each year. We join with the other churches in the Walk for Witness on Good Friday and take part in other initiatives planned by the CTIO.
We may have different ways of understanding our faith and worshipping God but we are all committed to making the Kingdom of God a living reality in our locality.