Sharing Our Faith
Sharing our faith with one another is of great importance to us as we are a community of God’s people where each person is encouraged to grow in faith and to share that experience with others through worship, service, witness and lifestyle. To be effective we know that it is necessary to focus our energies according to our situation and the gifts and skills available and so our priorities are:
- To demonstrate God’s grace by caring for each other
- To grow in faith together
- To make worship touch people’s hearts and minds by being varied, relevant and stimulating
- To share what our faith means to us and the difference it makes to our lives
- To serve the people of our community.
- To witness the power of the truth revealed in Jesus to bring new life and hope to human relationships and communities
- To be good stewards of the material resources of creation by practicing environmentally friendly policies
- To work for God’s justice in society and the wider world by supporting and promoting various charities and pressure groups